Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture has become an increasingly sought after treatment due to highly effective, natural, and safe procedures to reduce the signs of aging, but the practice itself has actually been around for centuries. It was first practiced during the Song Dynasty in China, circa 1279 to treat Empresses and Emperors. Acupuncture can offer many benefits for those who want to revitalize the look and feel of their skin. It builds collagen, tones muscle, improves circulation, and stimulates blood flow with no risk of scars, infections, rashes, or toxic build-up of chemicals. Unlike traditional cosmetic surgery, Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture uses a holistic approach to change the energy flow throughout the entire body, allowing for better sleep, increased energy, and better digestion. It is more than a cosmetic procedure. It changes the energy flow within the body and initiates the process for constitutional rejuvenation. Chinese Medicine is based on the principle that health is manifested from the inside out. If energy is not flowing freely throughout your body, then your organs, muscles, lymphatic system cannot function properly, which contributes to puffiness, bags and even premature aging.
As you age, the 57 muscles in your face gradually lose their tone and mass. Loss of tone and mass causes the sagging, deep wrinkling and tired look associated with aging. Acupuncture stimulates the muscle function, and the face lifts itself via the acupuncture points, thus returning the face to a healthier, revitalized, youthful appearance. Fine needles are placed in acupuncture points in the ear to induce relaxation. Acupuncture points throughout the body are used which correspond to your specific needs. A sense of well-being results as a flood of endorphins is released throughout the body. Once you are in a state of deep relaxation, needles are placed on the face in acupuncture points and wrinkles. The needles placed in the wrinkles create a micro trauma thus triggering your body to produce more collagen.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture can also be used as part of your overall skin care regime for individuals of any age which can help prevent the appearance of crows’ feet, sagging jowls, droopy eyelids and turkey neck before they happen or become pronounced. Once these signs of aging begin to appear, needles can be used to increase collagen production, stimulate blood flow, relax atrophied muscles and brighten a dull complexion.
With a series of Facial Rejuvenation treatments we can achieve a multitude of results including:
We recommend an initial series of 10 Facial Acupuncture treatments for optimal results.
As you age, the 57 muscles in your face gradually lose their tone and mass. Loss of tone and mass causes the sagging, deep wrinkling and tired look associated with aging. Acupuncture stimulates the muscle function, and the face lifts itself via the acupuncture points, thus returning the face to a healthier, revitalized, youthful appearance. Fine needles are placed in acupuncture points in the ear to induce relaxation. Acupuncture points throughout the body are used which correspond to your specific needs. A sense of well-being results as a flood of endorphins is released throughout the body. Once you are in a state of deep relaxation, needles are placed on the face in acupuncture points and wrinkles. The needles placed in the wrinkles create a micro trauma thus triggering your body to produce more collagen.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture can also be used as part of your overall skin care regime for individuals of any age which can help prevent the appearance of crows’ feet, sagging jowls, droopy eyelids and turkey neck before they happen or become pronounced. Once these signs of aging begin to appear, needles can be used to increase collagen production, stimulate blood flow, relax atrophied muscles and brighten a dull complexion.
With a series of Facial Rejuvenation treatments we can achieve a multitude of results including:
- Erase fine lines
- Lift sagging eyelids
- Reduce dark under eye circles and bags
- Firm jowls and reduce double chin
- Eliminate puffiness
- Regulate hormonal imbalance
- Reduce the appearance of acne
- Tighten pores
- Reduce scaring and age spots
- Promote overall health and well being internally and externally
We recommend an initial series of 10 Facial Acupuncture treatments for optimal results.
Rosacea before and after Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture:
Facial Rejuvenation for fine lines and wrinkles:
These photos demonstrate the effects of facial acupuncture: